Course Policies


  1. Email (see the contact section for addresses)

    You can email me directly with individual questions related to the course administration, for example, about learning accommodations or a conflict with a religious holiday. For specific questions about an assignment, I recommend you copy a TA as well in your email. TAs can provide specific responses to assignment questions, but you should email me directly if there are any issues related to re-grading or extensions, for example. Please, do not send direct messages through Canvas for the instruction team.

    I will usually respond within one business day, but sometimes it might take me two. If you haven’t heard back from me, please send me another email (and include the course number in the subject line!).

    If you send general questions about course content or assignments to a TA or me, we will likely respond to suggest that you post the question on Canvas Discussion Board.

Please check out the FAQs on how to e-mail professors here

  1. Canvas Discussion Board, accessible on the left menu link on our Canvas home page.

    If you have a question about content covered in a class session or assigned reading, about instructions for a homework assignment, about the intuition behind a knowledge check question, about R, or something similar: post your question on the Discussion Board. If you have a question, it is likely that other students are wondering the same thing. The Canvas Discussion Board is monitored regularly by the TAs and instructors and will often be the fastest way to get help. Students are also able to post responses to peers’ questions and we encourage you to do so.


In addition to the general UT policies regarding academic integrity that are described in the syllabus (and in the UT Course Catalogue), this course has a few other specific policies:

  • You are encouraged to form study groups. Collaboration is key to learning! However, you are not allowed to copy other students’ answers for individual assignments or let someone else copy from you. This also applies to other available tools, such as online resources or ChatGPT.

  • These same rules apply to R code. You are encouraged to discuss potential problems, but you need to write your own R code. In any case where we suspect cheating, we will compare both R scripts and homework write-ups, and all students involved will receive a penalty in this course and be referred to the Dean’s office for further disciplinary proceedings (and further potential academic consequences).

  • To avoid any potential conflicts, please do not share your files with another student/group. This is also considered cheating and you will be subject to the same disciplinary actions stated above.

  • All students in this course assume responsibility for abiding by these policies. If you are unsure about whether a specific type of collaboration crosses the line into copying, then just ask us.

  • Also remember to use references and give credit were credit is due. If you are taking an idea from one of the readings, a book, or an online resource, please cite the work appropriately. Plagiarism from other sources (not just other students) will also be penalized.


It is very important to me that a respectful environment is fostered in this class, and that also includes referring to everyone by their preferred name and pronouns (and also pronouncing those names correctly!). Instructors are provided class rosters that only include your legal name, so I will send out an additional survey collecting both preferred names and pronouns, if you wish to share them.

© Magdalena Bennett - licensed under Creative Commons.